It’s The True Blues Summer Supporter Fundraiser

We’ve read the news today, oh boy. What a mess.

Well, here’s where we, in our community of NYCFC supporters, can start doing something about it. And we need your help.

We at True Blues NYCFC strongly condemn the Supreme Court’s decision to undo Roe v Wade. Abortion is a fundamental human right, and the decisions of this undemocratic institution do not reflect our core values. In solidarity, True Blues NYCFC is collecting donations from fellow supporters to the National Network of Abortion Funds. NNAF builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.

Contribute to True Blues NYCFC’s donation by August 1st here:

Contribute directly to National Network of Abortion Funds here:

Find a local abortion fund here:

True Blues stands in support of anyone in need of an abortion, and believes abortion should be available on demand and without apology.

If our rights mean anything, then your community needs to be there to back each other up. That’s what we’re doing today, Champions.